SOS Session with Archangel Raphael


1-hour session

In the case of emergencies I am now offering SOS sessions. For these sessions I will rearrange my diary and do whatever is necessary to create time ASAP, within 24 hours of booking, unless for some reason that is impossible (e.g. sickness, travelling, or some other problem this end), in which case I will refund the money or offer the soonest time I can make available. These sessions are priced more highly, because they will involve me having to rearrange my day to fit them in, or perhaps cancel non-work arrangements and may involve me doing the session at an odd hour on my end (very late or early in the day).

Sessions are normally done on Skype, recording is possible on Skype and will be available for download on it for 30 days. If Skype isn’t possible a WhatsApp video call is also available.

Disclaimer for SOS sessions

  1. I am not qualified to deal with medical emergencies.
  2. I am not qualified to handle serious mental health crises, especially involving a third party who needs help. If you are having a mild mental health crisis, a session can help by clearing energy, providing comfort, reassurance, wisdom, and helpful information. However, I am not able to deal with serious mental health issues.
  3. Those who are at risk of impending suicide will need practical emergency assistance – I cannot provide this through a session.

What a session can help with:

  1. Big, sudden life changes
  2. Upcoming major life changes and choice points
  3. Major conflict between people
  4. Confusing situations that make no immediate sense, causing mental anguish and emotional distress

1-to-1 sessions are always intended to help improve your state and your life, however, because healing isn’t an exact science with predictable outcomes, there is no guarantee you will feel immediately better after a session. Many people report feeling better, lighter and clearer, however, this isn’t guaranteed, because healing is personal and multifaceted. My intention as a channel of Raphael, a shamanic practitioner, and someone experienced in many layers of healing, is to use all my gifts, skills and knowledge to help someone, so that they can improve their state and lives as efficiently and gracefully as possible.

Read the full disclaimer here